Registration at KDDI!!



OK, Guys. So as I explained in a previous post, in order to play online at Japanese servers, we need to register at Japanese company KDDI. This will cost us a really small fee, I Don’t know the exact amount (about 4.5$, 3 euro per month). And it will only take a few minutes to register. First of all go to this page:
When you first get in, you may be asked to install Japanese fonts to view the site. Just insert your Windows cd-rom and it will install the necessary languages. If you don’t do that you will see “???” everywhere and no Japanese letters! Now you must scroll down to the buttons with (A) and (B), click on the one that has (B) at the bottom of the page. Now you will get to a Japanese page with boxes everywhere.
Here is a video that shows what you must do:

What we have to do now is kinda silly. Over every textbox is an example entry for that field (in Japanese font). We’ll copy every example entry and paste it into the textbox below since we don’t have Japanese addresses and can’t type Japanese!
OK. From the video you can see a number of sections for entering personal details.
At section 3, if you can’t see well in the video, we enter 540-0037
At section 4 we select the 28th element from the choices you can see
At section 8 we enter a random telephone number
At section 9 which is the most important part, we go to section A and we put our credit card number and the date that it expires.
At section 10 we enter our email. Your email must not be fake! They will send you your ID Number and other important information.
At section 11 you enter your password two times.
Don’t touch anything else.

Just push here:
Now Here is the next page:
Here is the next one:
At last:

At the last page you come to, don’t forget to write down your Personal ID and of course your password. This ID is the one you will use to go online.Now push the button at the bottom of the page and you are finished!

Now lets go at our ps2.
Put your Biohazard game in
We need first to make a connection.
Video here:

After our connection is ready there is nothing left than to go online.
Video here: